Elite tutors,
proven approach
Pinnacle Prep’s expert tutors and proven strategies combine to provide the finest private tutoring available for standardized test preparation and academic subject support. We work with students in the privacy of their homes or remotely through video-conferencing.
Higher scores
Pinnacle Prep was founded in 2002 with one goal: to offer students a systematic methodology designed to maximize their scores on standardized tests. We combine extensive tutoring experience with rigorous analyses of published tests to develop methods and techniques that have been proven to help students raise their scores.
Pinnacle Prep was founded in 2002 with one goal: to offer students a systematic methodology designed to maximize their scores on standardized tests. We combine extensive tutoring experience with rigorous analyses of published tests to develop methods and techniques that have been proven to help students raise their scores.
The right fit
Our students flourish because we hand-pick tutors not only for their impeccable academic credentials, but also for their exceptional communication skills and dynamic personalities. We know how important the student-tutor connection is and take the time to match each student with a tutor who will be a great fit.
Our students flourish because we hand-pick tutors not only for their impeccable academic credentials, but also for their exceptional communication skills and dynamic personalities. We know how important the student-tutor connection is and take the time to match each student with a tutor who will be a great fit.